As for all of the GO concentrations, the characteristic peaks for assembled GO were similar, and the relative intensity of D band to G band was about 0.95. When GO sheets on the electrodes were reduced with hydrazine and pyrrole, the peaks of D and G bands of rGO blueshifted a little. Meanwhile, the relative intensity of D band increased substantially for Hy-rGO, i.e., an increase of D/G intensity ratio of rGO (about 1.40) compared to that of the GO could be observed. These changes
suggested an increase in the average size of the sp 2 domains upon reduction of GO, which agreed well with the Raman spectrum of the GO reduced by hydrazine that was reported by Stankovich et al. [42], indicating that reduction did happen. buy GSK1838705A However, when GO was reduced by pyrrole, the situation was totally different. The peaks of D and G bands were wider than those of MI-503 in vitro Hy-rGO, and the D/G intensity ratio decreased to about 0.90. This might be due to the polypyrrole (PPy) molecules adsorbed on the surfaces of rGO sheets. As we know, GO has long been
recognized as having strong oxidizing properties, and it can serve as an oxidizing agent [43, 44] for oxidative polymerization of pyrrole during the reduction process [45]. Since PPy molecule was a conducting polymer with ordered conjugated structures, PPy molecules on the surfaces of rGO sheets would decrease the D band (disordered structure) and meanwhile increase the G band (ordered structure) of rGO sheets. G protein-coupled receptor kinase As a result, lower relative D band intensities were obtained. Figure 6 Raman spectra of GO, Hy-rGO, and Py-rGO after assembly of the electrodes with GO concentrations. (a) 1 mg/mL, (b) 0.5 mg/mL, and (c) 0.25 mg/mL with the excitation wavelength at 514 nm. In addition, the sizes of the crystalline domains within the rGO flakes could be estimated from the following equation [46]: (1) where L a is the size of the crystalline domains within CRG, λlaser is the excitation wavelength of the Raman spectra, and is the D/G intensity ratio. A D/G ratio of 1.4 and 0.9 with the excitation
wavelength at 514 nm for selleck Hy-rGO and Py-rGO respectively in our work (Figure 3c) suggested that crystalline domains with the size of ca. 12 and ca. 18.7 nm respectively had been formed in within the resultant Hy-rGO and Py-rGO flakes. Evaluation of sensing devices based on assembled rGO sheets The resistances of the resultant sensing devices were measured by applying 50 mV of voltage and the results were shown in Figure 7a, b. The current versus voltage (I-V) curves of the sensing devices based on Hy-rGO and Py-rGO (as shown in Figure 7a, b), which were fabricated with GO assembly concentration at 1, 0.5, and 0.25 mg/mL, exhibited linear ohmic behaviors, suggesting that perfect circuits of the sensing devices had been achieved.