This is a new guideline. The aim is to present a consensus regarding the standard assessment and investigation at diagnosis of HIV infection and to describe the appropriate monitoring of HIV-positive individuals both on and off ART. This guideline does not address the investigation and management of specific conditions related to HIV infection and ART, which are covered in other guidelines. Systematic literature searches were
performed within PubMed. In addition, limited use was made of peer-reviewed Dasatinib purchase research abstracts from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections and also from The European Drug Resistance Workshop (see individual references in sections 10, 11, 14, 16, 17 and 18). Within this guideline, assessment and monitoring of HIV-positive individuals have been categorized into the following areas: initial diagnosis; ART-naïve individuals; ART initiation; initial assessment following commencement of ART; routine monitoring on ART. Summary tables of assessment/monitoring at each of these stages can be found in Section ‘Table summaries’ of the Guideline. Following these find more tables, the tests are divided into different categories (e.g. immunology, virology and biochemistry) and then use of the relevant Sinomenine tests is discussed in relation
to different stages of assessment as above. The following are suggested as targets that could be audited. The committee has selected topics that they consider to be important areas of practice/patient
care. The percentages represent the targets for the minimum proportion of patients meeting each specific criterion. These targets have been reviewed by the British HIV Association (BHIVA) Audit and Standards Subcommittee. Patients with dated documentation of HIV-1 status (discriminated from HIV-2) (90%). Patients with a genotypic resistance test performed within 3 months of first diagnosis (or with a stored sample available for later testing) (90%). Adherence documented within the first 3 months of starting ART (90%) and at least annually thereafter (70%). All medication taken by patients on ART should be reviewed annually (100%). Patients with HIV viral load assessed within 6 weeks of commencing ART (80%). Patients on ART with HIV viral load measured within the last 6 months (80%). Patients with 10-year cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk calculated within 1 year of first presentation (70%), and within the last 3 years if taking ART (70%). Patients with a smoking history documented in the last 2 years (90%) and blood pressure (BP) recorded in the last year (90%).