We also demonstrated the efficacy of the Th::Cre rats for optogen

We also demonstrated the efficacy of the Th::Cre rats for optogenetic experiments. Specifically, we used Th::Cre rats to clarify the relationship between DA neuron activation and positive reinforcement and found that brief phasic optical stimulation of dopaminergic VTA neurons was sufficient to drive vigorous ICSS. Electrical ICSS experiments have been difficult to interpret in the context of phasic DA neuron activation since electrical stimulation activates a heterogeneous and complex population of neurons ( Margolis et al., 2006, Fields et al., 2007, Dobi et al., 2010, Lammel et al., 2008, Histed et al., 2009, Nair-Roberts et al., 2008 and Swanson,

1982) and fails to elicit reliable Alectinib mw DA release in well-trained animals ( Garris et al., 1999 and Owesson-White et al., 2008). Our studies show that phasic

DA stimulation can support both the acquisition and the maintenance of instrumental responding, significantly extending the recent finding that optogenetic stimulation of DA neurons can support conditioned place preference (a form of Pavlovian learning; Tsai et al., 2009). Interestingly, our characterization of DA ICSS reveals that this behavior has much in common with electrical self-stimulation. First, rats rapidly acquire responding, with some rats responding at remarkably high rates. Second, responding scales with the duration of stimulation. Third, responding is extinguished very rapidly upon cessation of stimulation. And fourth, responding click here requires contingency between response and reinforcement. Although the current results do not preclude an involvement of other nondopaminergic cell types in mediating electrical ICSS, our findings demonstrate that activation of VTA DA neurons is sufficient, and the strong parallels

with electrical self-stimulation are consistent with a major role of DA neuron activation in ICSS. To our knowledge, all previous Bay 11-7085 demonstrations of optogenetic modulation of mammalian behavior have been performed in mice. The larger size of the rat brain provides both advantages and challenges for optogenetic dissection of the neural circuits underlying behavior. The advantage is that a substructure can be targeted in the rat with greater accuracy, while the disadvantage is that more light will be required to activate the entirety of a structure given greater size. Another fundamental and relevant difference between mice and rats is that the same axon tract will extend a significantly greater distance in rats relative to mice. For example, the projection between the VTA and the NAc will be more than twice as long in rats as mice Since the time it takes an opsin to express in axons tends to increase with the length of the projection, this fact could greatly affect the utility of rats as a system to optogenetically stimulate terminals rather than cell bodies (an approach to further increase the specificity of cell populations targeted for optogenetic stimulation).

In medial entorhinal cortex, position, speed, and directional inf

In medial entorhinal cortex, position, speed, and directional information are integrated to generate an updated metric representation of space (McNaughton et al., 2006 and Moser and Moser, 2008). In line with anatomical and structural features, like periodicities in cell densities, dendritic clusters (Ikeda et al., 1989), and molecular

markers (Solodkin and Van Hoesen, 1996 and Suzuki and Porteros, 2002), the patchy organization of medial entorhinal cortex further supports the existence of segregated functional modules, as previously suggested (Witter and Moser, 2006). This is in line with evidence that grid spacing and orientation are typically identical from grid cells recorded from the same location, while they change along the dorsoventral axis in a discontinuous fashion (Hafting TGF-beta inhibition et al., 2005 and Fyhn et al., 2007; H. Stensland et al., 2010, Abstr. Soc. Neurosci., abstract). Interestingly, implementing an attractor-like modular organization within the grid cell network makes it possible to represent space in parallel at different spatial scales (Witter and Moser, 2006). In this context it is worth mentioning that indications for grid cell networks have been observed Selleck TSA HDAC also in humans (Doeller et al.,

2010), where the patchy organization of entorhinal cortex is most prominent (Hevner and Wong-Riley, 1992). The cytochrome oxidase-rich patches of entorhinal cortex are known to be destroyed

in Alzheimer’s disease (Solodkin and Van Hoesen, 1996), and we wonder if the destruction of patches is related to the loss of spatial orientation and awareness in Alzheimer’s patients (Cherrier et al., 2001). The localized connections between large patch cells either and small patches suggest that each small patch might receive very selective and specific head-directional input for local computation. The focal head-directional input to small layer 2 patches is remarkable, since both our data and the results from previous studies (Sargolini et al., 2006) indicate that layer 2 cells express little or no head-direction selectivity. Therefore, since layer 2 cells do not simply inherit head-direction selectivity via centripetal axons, we wonder if head-directional information is transformed in layer 2 patches in a way that generates allocentric coding. More specifically, head-directional information could be used to generate allocentric coding by rotating (and thus allocentrically stabilizing) the grid pattern with head turns against egocentric coordinates. The circumcurrent axons form another prominent long-range circuit. We speculate that the circumcurrent axons might impose a global constraint that unifies directional information across large patch neurons to a single head direction. Our work shows that in medial entorhinal cortex, cell identity strongly predicts both neuronal connectivity and physiology.

The half-maximal effective concentration for disruption of synapt

The half-maximal effective concentration for disruption of synaptic homeostasis is 32 μM ( Figure S3), which is within the range expected for amiloride derivatives to act on Drosophila pickpocket channels ( Chen et al., 2010 and Boiko et al., 2012). We have also confirmed a block of synaptic homeostasis with a

second amiloride derivative EIPA (5-(n-ethyl-n-isopropyl)amiloride) at 20 μM ( Figure S4). From these data, we can make several conclusions. First, these Alisertib data demonstrate that the conductance of the pickpocket channel is required for synaptic homeostasis, since functional blockade is sufficient to erase homeostatic plasticity. Second, since homeostasis is restored upon washout, it demonstrates that the induction process remains intact, but expression is blocked by inhibition of the DEG/ENaC channel. Third, we now have a pharmacological reagent that blocks homeostatic plasticity. Since synaptic transmission reverts to the levels seen in an uncompensated synapse when Benzamil is applied ( Figure 7C), it demonstrates that synaptic homeostasis is, at least initially, a process that is layered on top of normal synaptic transmission. Finally, in

our assay, the axon is cut and only ∼200 μM of axon exists between our stimulation electrode and the NMJ. Therefore, the DEG/ENaC channel must Venetoclax cost function within these 200 μM of axon or within the NMJ itself. We next asked whether the PPK channel conductance is continuously required for the expression of synaptic homeostasis. First, Benzamil was applied after a 10 min incubation in PhTx and synaptic homeostasis was blocked (Figure 7D). Thus, ENaC channel function is necessary for the expression of synaptic homeostasis, not during the induction of the process. Next, Benzamil was applied Linifanib (ABT-869) to the GluRIIA mutant and, again, synaptic homeostasis was completely blocked ( Figure 7E). Remarkably, quantal content in the GluRIIA mutant in the presence of Benzamil was identical to that observed for a wild-type NMJ in the presence of Benzamil ( Figure 7F). Thus, even when synaptic homeostasis has been persistently

engaged for the life of the synapse, it can be erased by blocking the function of the Benzamil-sensitive DEG/ENaC channel. Several controls were performed. It is well established that Benzamil acts to inhibit DEG/ENaC channels (Kleyman and Cragoe, 1988, Garty and Palmer, 1997 and Cuthbert and Fanelli, 1978). However, we sought additional evidence that Benzamil acts on a Drosophila PPK11/PPK16-containing channel. To do so, we tested whether animals that are doubly heterozygous for the ppk11 and ppk16 mutations (in cis) might have increased sensitivity to Benzamil. The double heterozygote has normal synaptic homeostasis ( Figure 7G). When a low concentration of Benzamil (25 μM) is applied to a wild-type NMJ, synaptic homeostasis is also normal ( Figure 7G).

Eight male zebra finches were trained to recognize the songs of o

Eight male zebra finches were trained to recognize the songs of other zebra finches using a Go/NoGo operant conditioning paradigm (Gess et al., 2011). All animals were handled according to Columbia University Animal Care and Use guidelines. For each bird, two songs were selected from a group of 15 as Go stimuli and two songs were selected as NoGo stimuli. Sounds were presented through a free field speaker located directly above the bird. Each bird

was trained on a different set of four songs. Birds reached a performance level of 80% correct after Neratinib in vivo 1,500 to 10,000 trials, after which we tested their abilities to recognize the Go and NoGo songs when they were part of auditory scenes. Auditory scenes were interleaved with trials containing only the song or only the chorus. Positive and negative outcomes for hits and false alarms were the same during testing with auditory scenes as they were during training with songs, and chorus-alone trials were reinforced randomly. Each bird performed at least 3,300 trials during behavioral testing (100 per distinct stimulus), and all testing trials were included for computing psychometric functions. Behavior and physiology

experiments were performed sequentially rather than simultaneously because (1) the low this website yield of simultaneous physiology and behavior would have limited the surveying of neurons in multiple auditory areas and sampling of neurons throughout the volume of each area; (2) higher-level AC BS neurons were sparse firing and difficult to isolate, further decreasing the yield of simultaneous physiology and behavior experiments; (3) higher-level AC BS neurons were responsive to

only a subset of songs, and not necessarily those that birds were trained to discriminate; and (4) in the time during which BS neurons were isolated, birds were unlikely to perform a sufficient number Tryptophan synthase of trials to obtain meaningful results. Sequential behavior and physiology experiments allowed for accurate characterization of psychometric functions and high yields of well-isolated neurons at multiple stages of the auditory pathway. Behavioral and electrophysiologic experiments were performed with the same set of song, chorus and auditory scene stimuli. The songs were from 15 unfamiliar zebra finches. The zebra finch chorus was created by superimposing the songs of seven unfamiliar zebra finches that were not included in the library of individual songs. To remove energy troughs from the chorus, we applied a time-varying scaling function that was inversely proportional to the RMS energy, averaged over a sliding 50 ms window. This was done so that chorus amplitude troughs did not influence the detection of each song differently by allowing “dip listening” (Howard-Jones and Rosen, 1993). Each song was 2.0 s in duration. For both behavioral training and electrophysiology, each individual song was flanked by 0.25 s of zebra finch chorus, resulting in total durations of 2.5 s.

At the same time, these observations do not strongly imply integr

At the same time, these observations do not strongly imply integration. Models with little or no integration, e.g., “sequential sampling” models (Watson, 1979), can also produce dependence of RT on stimulus duration, increase in RT with difficulty (Ditterich, 2006) and the speed-accuracy tradeoffs with changing evidence threshold. Two of our observations are not readily reconciled with standard integration models. First is the fact that manipulations of urgency slowed subjects’

odor sampling times substantially, around 100 ms or around 30%, but did not increase accuracy. A “collapsing bound” (i.e., evidence threshold decreasing with time) is considered a mechanism for urgency in the integration model (Bowman et al., 2012; Drugowitsch et al., 2012). A reduction in the collapse rate could explain the increases in reaction time we observed in low urgency conditions, but would entail an increase in accuracy, which was not found. The second observation not readily BIBW2992 explained is the increase in performance with reduction in the number of interleaved stimuli (Figure 5). This effect could be explained by an increase in the subject’s decision bound, but this would imply a concomitant increase in RTs, which did not occur. What can account for the failure of rats to show expected speed-accuracy

tradeoffs? First, it remains possible that our training regime was somehow faulty or that rats are incapable of optimal task performance. However, due to the arguments we have laid out above, Perifosine supplier we believe that the answer is more likely that rats are

indeed performing their best, but that some of the inherent assumptions of integration models are not met by the odor categorization task. A second possibility is that the information on which the decision is based decreases with time, as for example might occur with sensory adaptation. However, Uchida and Mainen (2003) found no increase in RT with 100-fold stimulus dilutions that would be expected to reduce the effects of adaptation, making this explanation unlikely. A final possible class of explanation, that we believe is worthy of careful consideration, is that the noise next that limits performance in the categorization of odor mixtures is not of the type postulated by integration models. Any scenario in which noise is highly correlated from sample to sample within a trial would violate the key assumption that noise is temporally uncorrelated and would curtail the benefits of integration. As a specific hypothesis for a source of trial-by-trial noise could arise in odor mixture categorization decisions, consider that in this task the category boundary between left and right odor classes is set by the experimenter and must be learned by the subject through trial-by-trial reinforcement. Any trial-to-trial variability in the category boundary due to reinforcement learning would produce a source of noise that is completely correlated within individual trials.

For example, in the gill-withdrawal reflex circuit of Aplysia, th

For example, in the gill-withdrawal reflex circuit of Aplysia, the induction of long-term facilitation requires upregulation of kinesin heavy chain ( Puthanveettil et al., 2008). In another study, the kinesin family member 5B GS-7340 cell line (KIF5B) motor and its adaptor syntabulin were shown to be required for the formation of new presynaptic boutons during activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in hippocampal neurons ( Cai et al., 2007). During the remodeling

of DD synaptic connectivity, we found that the anterograde motor UNC-104/Kinesin3 is absolutely required for the formation of new synapses. CDK-5 likely promotes new synapse formation by stimulating UNC-104. Intriguingly, we found that a retrograde motor, the dynein complex, is also required for synapse Selleckchem 3 Methyladenine formation. During the normal remodeling process, synaptic vesicles transiently accumulate at the terminals of DD axon but later redistribute along the entire axon through dynein activity. In the dynein heavy-chain mutants, this redistribution step is disrupted (Figure 8D). It is likely that temporal regulation of motor

activity is required to generate the dynamic behavior. For example, it is conceivable that the UNC-104-mediated anterograde transport dominates in early stages of the remodeling process, driving synaptic material to the anterior and posterior ends of the dorsal DD processes. Then, at later time points, the retrograde motor Thalidomide is now activated, which distributes the synaptic material along the entire dorsal axon. These data suggest that both UNC-104/Kinesin3 and the dynein complex are required for the appropriate formation of new synapses during the rewiring of DD synapses. In a recent study, we reported the function of CYY-1 and CDK-5 in the DA9 neuron, which does not undergo dramatic structural rearrangement of its synapses. There are interesting similarities and differences between the phenotypes in the DDs and in the DA9 that raise the question whether these molecular pathways play

similar or distinct roles in patterning synaptic material in different cell types. The similarity is apparent. In the cyy-1 cdk-5 double mutants, presynaptic material, including synaptic vesicles and active-zone proteins, dramatically mislocalizes to dendrites in both DDs and DA9. However, the mislocalization in the DD neurons results from a failure of synaptic remodeling since synaptic localization in L1 is normal. On the contrary, the DA9 mislocalization phenotype is evident as soon as its dendrite is born, arguing that CYY-1 and CDK-5 in DA9 are required at different time points ( Ou et al., 2010). Despite the phenotypic similarity between the two cell types, detailed analysis reviewed three major differences.

Here, we report increases in synchrony between the MD and mPFC du

Here, we report increases in synchrony between the MD and mPFC during a spatial working memory task in control mice. During task acquisition, synchronized activity between these two structures in the theta- and beta-frequency ranges increased hand in hand with improvements in task performance. After successful acquisition, beta-frequency synchrony was specifically enhanced in the working memory-requiring choice phase of the task, during which mice need to keep information online to make the correct Fulvestrant cell line choice and obtain the reward. Finally,

lag analysis demonstrated that the MD leads the mPFC. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that information flows from the MD to the mPFC in support of working memory, similar to previous findings suggesting that hippocampal-prefrontal interactions are also involved (Jones and Wilson, 2005; Sigurdsson et al., 2010). The precise nature of the information contributed by MD inputs to the m PFC is unclear. Studies of MD single unit activity during visual working memory in non-human primates have suggested the possibility that MD units encode motor planning information (Watanabe and Funahashi, 2012). Considering the known inputs to the MD from the basal ganglia and extrapolating from these findings, it may be that the MD transmits motor information to the PFC about the choice BMN 673 research buy to be made during

spatial working memory. Our findings point to synchrony between the MD and mPFC in the beta-frequency (13 to 30 Hz) range as of particular relevance to the DNMS task. While the oscillations in the theta and gamma bands have been classically linked to working memory, the functional role of beta-band oscillations is less understood. However, recent studies performed in human and nonhuman primates point to a role for beta-band oscillations in cognitive processes. Specifically, elevations of beta-band activity in visual and MRIP prefrontal cortical areas have been observed during the

delay phase of working memory tasks (Deiber et al., 2007; Siegel et al., 2009; Tallon-Baudry et al., 2001; Tallon-Baudry et al., 2004). Interestingly, beta-band activity has also been linked to motor activity. Indeed, numerous studies provided the evidence that beta activity is decreased during voluntary movements and increased during holding periods following movement in a variety of structures belonging to the motor system (for a review see Engel and Fries, 2010). Rather than reflecting a lack of movement, a recent hypothesis proposed that beta rhythm would be related to the active maintenance of the current sensorimotor set. According to this hypothesis, the role of beta oscillations in cognition would be of similar nature and may be enhanced if the status quo is given priority over distractive new signal, whereas gamma band activity may predominate if changes in stimulus are expected (Engel and Fries, 2010).

(In this calculation, due to the small number of observations, we

(In this calculation, due to the small number of observations, we assume that g equals 1.) For the de novo events in siblings,

c1 = 14, c = 15, d = 16, and C = 232. This calculation is performed in the siblings because the observed rare de novo CNVs in this group are assumed to be predominantly nonrisk variants and consequently represent the null distribution. Next, we calculate the chance that two de novo events match VE-822 at any one of C eCNVRs in probands by using methods from the classic “birthday problem” which assesses the likelihood of seeing at least one pair of matching birthdays among a given number of people. Our interest was in seeing >2 matches (m) in probands under the null hypothesis of no association with ASD. This calculation is performed empirically by distributing d events at random among C eCNVRs selleck chemical and then counting the maximum number of CNVs falling in the same location. Repeating this experiment one million times, we obtained an estimate of the probability

of finding ≥m counts for ≥1 eCNVR under the null hypothesis. Given the importance of the estimate of eCNVRs in unaffected populations for the determination of significance, we recalculated C based on a combined set of confirmed de novo CNVs in controls described in the literature and obtained a highly similar result (C = 242) (Supplemental Experimental Methisazone Procedures). Moreover, we determined that the results reported here remain significant under the plausible range of estimates for C (Supplemental Experimental Procedures). The unseen species problem was used to predict the total number of ASD risk loci based on the distribution of de novo CNVs in probands. This required

identification of the de novo CNVs that confer risk; to identify such CNVs we estimated that 76% of de novo CNVs in probands confer risk (67 de novo CNVs in probands − 16 de novo CNVs expected in siblings/67 de novo CNVs in probands) and assumed that recurrent de novo CNVs were most likely to be associated with risk and should be included within this 76%. The remainder of the 76% is made up of 27 single occurrence de novo CNVs (though we do not identify which ones), leading to an estimate of the total number of risk-conferring loci as 130 (c1 = 27, c = 33, d = 51). A similar approach was applied to all de novo CNVs in 3816 probands (count derived from the literature), leading to an estimate of 234 risk-conferring loci (c1 = 59, c = 88, d = 158). Predictors were examined in a logical order, e.g.