TLRToll-like receptor agonists use in immunotherapy (e g MPL/CpG

TLRToll-like receptor agonists use in immunotherapy (e.g. MPL/CpG motifs) has shown some excellent benefits [64]. However, such adjuvants will not function as depot mediators. The physical adsorption of antigen onto the adjuvant and subsequent ‘slow-release’ of antigen is considered to be a very important mechanism, particularly in SCIT. In some products, the depot mediator – l-Tyrosine – is used in combination with MPL. Here, Tyrosine allows slow release of allergens. While MPL will drive an appropriate immunological response (Th1), thus enabling a unique ultra-short course therapy for the allergic patient [75]. In summary, the amount of aluminium applied in

SCIT will significantly contribute to a higher cumulative life dose. Unlike essential prophylactic vaccinations, numerous injections with higher proportions of aluminium-adjuvant per injection are applied in SCIT. Comparably high

amounts of aluminium are administered, particularly during long-term SCIT for hymenoptera venom allergies whilst there are aluminium-free products commercially available. Aluminium analysis is technologically Epigenetics Compound Library demanding. The very low concentrations and possibility of contamination poses problems. Aluminium compounds are of biological significance—cf. above. The stability of these aluminium compounds constitutes an additional complicating factor in analysis. However, several methods are available: The atomic absorption

spectrometry (AAS), and particularly graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF-AAS), are single element methods with detection thresholds of approximately 1 μg/L. This method is commonly applied for analysing biological samples and aqueous media. However, inductively coupled plasma–optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES) now provides a more sensitive alternative, able to measure lower concentrations of the metal, especially when using quadrupol (ICP-qMS) or high-resolution sector field ICP-MS (ICP-sf-MS). These devices are however expensive and of limited availability. Table 3 summarises the type of analytical methods mentioned above, their detection range(s), strengths and limitations. The German Research Foundation (DFG) assembled an independent expert group entitled “Analyses in Biological Material”. This group has published research papers Adenosine on threshold values and methods (MAK collection) and are able to advise on how to reasonably measure, e.g., the aluminium exposure caused by SCIT [77]. There is currently no generally accepted surrogate parameter which would reflect the cumulative burden to the body posed by aluminium [19]. In summary, aluminium analysis is expensive and highly demanding although the technology is available to detect trace amounts of the metal in biological samples. The DFG provides independent expertise with the work group “Analyses in biological material”.

20 mg), C-DIM-8 (50 ± 5 36 mg), C-DIM-5 + doc (46 ± 3 47 mg) and

20 mg), C-DIM-8 (50 ± 5.36 mg), C-DIM-5 + doc (46 ± 3.47 mg) and C-DIM-8 + doc (45 ± 5.20 mg) compared to vehicle (100 ± 6.84 mg) ( Fig. 6A). Decreased tumor growth based on volumes was also significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in the treated compared to control mice ( Fig. 6B). A relative mean tumor volume of 150 ± 8.90 mm3 was observed in the control mice, and tumor volume decreased following treatment with doc (66.67%; 50 ± 4.77 mm3), C-DIM-5 (65.33%; 52 ± 4.80 mm3), C-DIM-8 (62.67%; 56 ± 5.80 mm3), C-DIM-5 + doc (74.67%; 38 ± 4.20 mm3), and C-DIM-8 + doc (70.67%; 44 ± 3.80 mm3) ( Fig. 6B). C-DIM-5 and C-DIM-8 nebulized formulations inhibited VEGF expression in A549 lung tumor when given alone and when combined

with doc ( Fig. 7A). This was observed as positive (dark brown) immunohistochemical AT13387 manufacturer staining for VEGF on lung sections. Quantification of VEGF-positive cells was represented as percentage of the mean normalized against control ( Fig. 7B). The results showed

a decrease in VEGF staining following treatment with doc (68 ± 5.82%; Fig. 7A-II), C-DIM-5 (49 ± 5.30%; Fig. 7A-III), C-DIM-8 (54 ± 5.83%; Fig. 7A-IV), C-DIM-5 + doc (26 ± 4.25%; Fig. 7A-V) and C-DIM-8 + doc (28 ± 4.02%; Fig. 7A-VI) compared to control ( Fig. 7A-I). The decrease in VEGF expression was significant across all treatment groups relative to control and between the single and combination treatments of the same compounds (p < 0.05). However, the differences click here in VEGF expression between C-DIM-5 and C-DIM-8 and between their combinations were not significant ( Fig. 7B). Microvessel density (MVD) was determined by immunopositive staining for CD31 (Fig. 7C). Tissue sections stained dark brown for CD31 with a progressive decrease in staining observed for sections from the treatment groups compared to the control. MVD assessment of sections showed significant reduction (p < 0.05) in MVD in the groups treated with doc (182 ± 10.28 microvessels/mm2;

Fig. 7C-II and D), C-DIM-5 (164 ± 15.31 microvessels/mm2; Fig. 7 C-III and D), C-DIM-8 (158 ± 10.85 microvessels/mm2; Fig. 7 C-IV and D), C-DIM-5 + doc (106 ± 9.50 microvessels/mm2; Fig. 7 C-V and D), and C-DIM-8 + doc (118 ± 11.07 microvessels/mm2; Fig. 7C-VI and D) compared to 248 ± 25.11 microvessels/mm2 in the control ( Fig. 7C-I and D). Treatment-related PDK4 induction of apoptosis was determined by TUNEL staining which showed positive staining for DNA fragmentation as dark-brown or reddish staining (Fig. 8A). Compared to the untreated control group (Fig. 8B), there was significantly increased (p < 0.05) DNA fragmentation in mice treated with doc (38 ± 4.02%), C-DIM-5 (56 ± 6.20%) and C-DIM-8 (60 ± 5.40%), combination treatment of C-DIM-5 + doc (78 ± 8.11%) and C-DIM-8 + doc (80 ± 8.90%). Positive staining for TR3 was evident as dark-brown staining (Fig. 8C). The pattern of TR3 expression following immunostaining was similar in intensity and was evident of nuclear localization in all groups.

This is the first study on the application of Kinesio Taping acco

This is the first study on the application of Kinesio Taping according to the recommendations of Kenzo Kase

for low back pain. It used a robust research design and achieved high follow-up. However, the protocol was not registered CHIR-99021 supplier prospectively. The exclusion criteria were designed to obtain a homogeneous cohort of adults with chronic low back pain. However, this limits the applicability of our results to, for example, older and younger people than those we studied. Another study limitation is that we only investigated the short-term results of Kinesio Taping and cannot draw conclusions on its longer-term effects, which deserve investigation in future randomised clinical trials. Moreover, in clinical practice, therapists may not apply Kinesio Taping alone as an isolated intervention in people with chronic non-specific low back pain. Further research is required on the use of Kinesio Tape in combination with other manual therapies and/or active exercise programs. In conclusion, individuals with chronic non-specific low back pain experienced MLN0128 statistically significant improvements immediately after the application of Kinesio Taping in disability, pain, isometric endurance of the

trunk muscles, and perhaps trunk flexion range of motion. However, the effects were generally small and only the improvements in pain and trunk muscle endurance were observed four weeks after Phosphatidylinositol diacylglycerol-lyase the week with the tape in situ. Further research is warranted on outcomes after Kinesio Taping applications for longer time periods and/or in combination with exercise programmes. eAddenda: Table 3 available

at Ethics: Informed consent was obtained from each participant before entering the study, which was performed in accordance with the Helsinki Declaration (2008 modification) on research projects and with national legislation on clinical trials (Law 223/2004 6 February), biomedical research (Law 14/2007 3 July), and participant confidentiality (Law 15/1999, 13 December). The study was approved by the Ethics And Research Committee of the University of Almeria. Competing interests: None declared. Support: Nil. “
“Falls are a major health problem for older people, with 30–35% of those who live in the community falling at least once a year (Granacher et al 2011, Rubenstein and Josephson 2002). However, falls incidence is about three times higher in institutionalised older people than those in the community (Cameron et al 2010). About 20% of falls require medical attention: 15% result in joint dislocations and soft tissue bruising and contusions, while 5% result in fractures, with femoral neck fractures occurring in 1–2% of falls (Granacher et al 2011, Kannus et al 1999). Fall-related injuries are also associated with substantial economic costs.

5A) as did mice lacking IFNγR1 ( Fig 5B) These data indicate a

5A) as did mice lacking IFNγR1 ( Fig. 5B). These data indicate a significant role for NADPH oxidase and IFNγ in controlling bacterial proliferation following infection with SL1344 atp. Similarly, both immune components were

needed for control of SL3261 replication ( Fig. 5). SL1344 atp was assessed for its ability to protect against subsequent oral re-challenge ( Fig. 6). Again, the wild type challenge grew rapidly, as expected, in unimmunised mice whereas mice immunised with SL1344 atp had significantly reduced bacterial counts in spleens on days 3, 4 and 7 and in livers on days 4 and 7 postinfection BMS-754807 cell line ( Fig. 6). Similar levels of protection were observed between SL1344 atp and SL3261-immunised mice ( Fig. 6). Therefore, SL1344 atp is protective

against subsequent oral challenge and this protection is as effective as immunisation with SL3261. SL1344 atp was further assessed for protection following oral immunisation, given that this would PLX-4720 be the preferred route of immunisation with a live attenuated vaccine. The wild type infection grew as expected in unimmunised mice whereas those immunised with SL1344 atp had significantly lower bacterial counts in spleens and livers after being re-challenged intravenously ( Fig. 7A and B). Little net bacterial growth was observed in challenged SL1344 atp immunised mice, with similar levels of bacteria seen over 14 days. Following oral re-challenge, SL1344 atp immunised mice showed reduced bacterial counts on days 3 and 7 postinfection relative to unimmunised mice ( Fig. 7C and D). Furthermore, bacterial numbers following SL1344 atp oral immunisation were comparable to those seen in SL3261-immunised mice first regardless of the re-challenge route. The SL1344 atp mutant is therefore protective following oral administration and is as effective as SL3261 as a vaccine. Pooled sera from mice immunised intravenously and orally were assayed for antibodies specific for S. Typhimurium. Mice intravenously immunised with SL1344 atp had significantly higher levels of total antibody against S. Typhimurium than unimmunised mice

( Fig. 8A). Levels of total antibody in mice intravenously immunised with SL1344 atp were comparable to those elicited in SL3261-immunised mice. Total antibody levels following oral immunisation were lower than those seen in intravenously immunised animals, however SL1344 atp immunised mice showed higher levels of total antibody compared to unimmunised mice although this did reach statistical significance. Compared with SL3261-immunised mice the antibody levels were lower in SL1344 atp immunised mice although this was not statistically significant. The humoral immune response was further characterised with the determination of IgG subclass levels elicited following immunisation with SL1344 atp ( Fig. 8B and C).

Règle 5 : « Je m’hydrate régulièrement à l’entraînement comme en

Règle 5 : « Je m’hydrate régulièrement à l’entraînement comme en compétition ». La déshydratation, même modeste, diminue la performance et, associée à l’ambiance hypercatécholergique de l’effort intense, augmente le risque d’accident cardiovasculaire. Règle 6 : « J’évite les activités intenses en cas de changement brutal et marqué de la température extérieure (< −5 °C ou > 30 °C) et lors des pics de pollution ». Chez le sujet peu entraîné et/ou à risque, ces deux éléments majorent le risque d’angor et de troubles du rythme. Des efforts intenses peuvent cependant être réalisés par le sportif entraîné, acclimaté et bien équipé. Règle 7 : « Je ne fume

pas et en tout cas jamais 2 heures avant ou après une pratique sportive ». Les sportifs fumeurs sont trop nombreux. L’association activité physique intense et tabac majore fortement la survenue buy CHIR-99021 PD173074 clinical trial d’un thrombus occlusif en particulier coronaire. Règle 8 : « Je ne consomme jamais de substances dopantes et j’évite l’automédication en général ». Les effets cardiovasculaires délétères des produits dopants sont bien démontrés. L’automédication comporte aussi des risques tels que thrombi-vasculaires, hémorragies, troubles du rythme, insuffisance rénale. Règle 9 : « Je ne fais pas de sport intense en cas de fièvre, ni dans les 8 jours qui suivent un épisode grippal (fièvre + courbatures) ». first L’inflammation peut toucher

le myocarde au même titre que les autres muscles « courbaturés ». Elle favorise la survenue d’arythmies à l’effort. Règle 10 : « Je pratique un bilan médical avant de démarrer ou reprendre une activité sportive intense si j’ai plus de 35 ans pour les hommes et plus de 45 ans pour les femmes ». Le risque d’accident cardiovasculaire est transitoirement majoré lors d’une activité sportive intense surtout chez le sédentaire. Ces règles ne permettront malheureusement pas de prévenir tous les accidents. La mort subite

liée au sport survient presque toujours en présence de témoins. Il est prouvé qu’en France ceux-ci interviennent très peu. La rapidité de la mise en œuvre du massage cardiaque est pourtant un facteur majeur de survie [25]. Il faut donc insister auprès de l’environnement sportif et de la population générale pour qu’elle se forme aux gestes d’urgence qui se résument à appeler, masser, défibriller (Fédération française de cardiologie). Nous avons vu que la pratique d’un sport en compétition aggravait le risque de mort subite en révélant une cardiopathie méconnue. Éthiquement, médicalement et légalement, il est justifié de proposer une prévention la plus efficace possible de ces accidents. Elle repose sur une visite médicale de non-contre-indication (VNCI) efficace, complétée si besoin d’examens complémentaires ciblés. Le terme de compétition mérite d’être précisé.

Between February 2008 and October 2009, 100 participants between

Between February 2008 and October 2009, 100 participants between the ages of 18 and 60 years were randomly allocated to receive one of the three vaccines: Rotarix (n = 24), ETEC (n = 21) or Vivotif (n = 81), or to act as controls who received no vaccine (n = 21). Forty-seven of these participants who were available were subsequently invited to participate on a second occasion, either as vaccinee or control, at time points separated by intervals of at least 1 year. No vaccinee received the same vaccine twice. Demographic

and clinical characteristics of the participants EPZ-6438 clinical trial are shown in Table 2. Altogether, 34 HIV seropositive adults received 58 courses of live, attenuated vaccines orally at one time point or another. Vaccinees and controls were well matched for sex, age, body mass index, and (in the HIV seropositives) CD4 count ( Table 2). Diarrhoea was reported within 7 days of the last dose of vaccine by 6 participants, all of whom had received 3 doses of Vivotif and 5 of whom were HIV seropositive (OR for HIV seropositivity 6.3, 95% CI 0.67–303; P = 0.09). The intervals after which these were experienced were 3, 4, 4, 8, 10, and 13 days after the first dose. None of these had diarrhoea which they judged to have been serious enough to seek treatment but two had taken the day off work. The CD4 counts of those HIV seropositive participants

who experienced diarrhoea within 7 days of last vaccine administration were (in ascending order) 175, 179, 351, 670, and 845 cells/μl. If the period of attribution is extended to 28 days after the first dose of vaccine, 11 Z-VAD-FMK cost episodes

of diarrhoea were reported by 10 vaccinees. Of these, 3 were within 7 days, 5 between 8 and 14 days, 2 between 15 and 21 days, and 1 between 22 and 28 days. Of the 10 vaccinees who experienced diarrhoea, 8 were HIV seropositive (Table 3). The two HIV seronegative vaccinees reported diarrhoea 13 days after Vivotif and 21 days after ACAM2017. Including these later episodes of diarrhoea changes the Odds Ratio for HIV seropositivity Tryptophan synthase to 5.3 (95% CI 0.98–53; P = 0.04). Abdominal pain was reported by 3 vaccine recipients. In two of these instances, pain occurred during diarrhoeal illnesses, with onset 4 and 10 days after the first doses of Vivotif. One participant reported pain without diarrhoea 5 days after the first dose of Vivotif. Fever (subjective, not confirmed) was reported by one HIV negative man the day after rotavirus vaccination, and by two HIV positive men 13 and 16 days after ETEC vaccination, respectively. None of these participants sought medical care. Loss of appetite (scoring 1 on analogue scale of 1–10) was reported only by one HIV seronegative participant within 24 h of receiving ACAM2017. Three other HIV positive participants reported loss of appetite, but all over 3 weeks after the vaccine dose and designated not attributable. Only one HIV seronegative participant reported nausea or vomiting, and that was 12 days after a dose of Vivotif.

Table 2 At the end of the experiment, pharyngeal excretion in th

Table 2. At the end of the experiment, pharyngeal excretion in the control group was significantly higher than in the vaccinated groups. When evaluating pharyngeal excretion, best protection seemed to occur for group 2 as bacterial excretion was no longer observed from day 17 PC until euthanasia. All other groups were still excreting living Cp. psittaci via the pharynx until the end of the experiment. In group 2, 100% of the animals remained positive until 11 days PC, while bacteria were still present in the pharynx of all turkeys (100%) of groups 1 and 3 at 23 and 21 days PC, respectively. Thus, regarding pharyngeal chlamydial shedding,

the best protection seemed to occur for the polyplex IM group and protection for the plasmid IM group and the polyplex

AE group was comparable. In general, cloacal shedding in the control 3-Methyladenine chemical structure DAPT research buy animals was higher than in the vaccinated groups. Cp. psittaci shedding is known to occur intermittently and statistics revealed no differences for cloacal shedding between the vaccinated groups. However, based on the results in Suppl. Table 2B, best protection seemed to occur for groups 2 and 3 as faecal excretion in all turkeys (100%) was only observed until 13 days PC, while cloacal shedding in all turkeys (100%) of group 1 was again observed at 23 days PC. Three weeks following priming, total IgG (H + L) MOMP specific serum antibodies were still absent (data not shown). One and a half week following booster immunisation (4.5 weeks of age), MOMP-specific serum antibodies were present in one out of four (25%) turkeys of group 2, and

in one out of six (17%) turkeys of group 3 (Table 3). At that time, antibodies were still absent in animals of group 1. Two and a half weeks post-booster immunisation (5.5 weeks of age), three out of four (75%) animals of group 1 and all animals (100%) of groups 2 and 3 had MOMP-specific serum antibodies. These observations suggest superior immunisation of the polyplex groups. At that time, mean serum antibody titres were highest for groups 2 and 3 group, but statistics revealed no significant differences many between the vaccinated groups. In general, antibody responses, as determined in an ELISA with homologous rMOMP, were weak. Animals were challenged at 5.5 weeks of age and subsequently, all turkeys of the control group showed a primary immune response upon infection. Two weeks PC (7.5 weeks of age), the mean MOMP-specific serum antibody titre of group 2 had increased 4-fold, indicative for a secondary immune response upon challenge. At that time, the mean MOMP-specific serum antibody titres of groups 1 and 3 had increased only 1.7 and 1.3 times, respectively. Three and a half weeks PC (9 weeks of age), the mean MOMP-specific serum antibody titre of group 2 had increased further, although only 2.7-fold, whereas for groups 1 and 3, mean serum antibody titres increased 6.9 and 4.2 times.

The minimum inhibitory concentrations of compounds 3, 5–9

The minimum inhibitory concentrations of compounds 3, 5–9

and the reference antibiotics were determined using the method of Akinpelu and Kolawole.15 Anthranilamide (3) was reacted with 1 mol equivalent of each of phthalic anhydride, succinic anhydride, oxalic acid and 1-acetyl isatin, using ethanol as solvent under microwave irradiation to give different products in moderate to high yields. The reaction of 3 with phthalic anhydride gave compound 5, a product with an ester functional group and with physical and spectroscopic properties that are totally different from those of compound 4 obtained by Kurihara under conventional heating11 (Scheme 1). Compound 3 reacted with succinic anhydride to give the quinazolinone-propanoic Selleckchem BIBW2992 acid derivative 6 as expected. Attempted reaction of 3,5-dibromo-anthranilamide 9, obtained via bromination of 3, with phthalic anhydride was unsuccessful. The reaction of anthranilamide with phthalic and

succinic anhydrides involves a nucleophilic attack on the anhydride learn more leading to a ring-opened intermediate, which then cyclizes to afford the respective products. Condensation of anthranilamide with oxalic acid afforded compound 8. N-Acetylisatin is known to react with nucleophiles to give ring-opened products. 16 Since anthranilamide reacts with carboxylic acid anhydrides via ring-opening, the reaction of anthranilamide with N-acetylisatin was investigated. In ethanol, the N-acetylisatin from ring opens to afford ethyl 2-(2-acetamidophenyl)-2-oxoacetate, which then reacts with anthranilamide. The condensation reaction produced a benzo[1,4]diazepin derivative 7, instead of the quinazolinone derivative 10. The products were characterized by IR, NMR and mass spectra. All synthesized compounds were screened for their antibacterial activity using the agar-well diffusion method. Compounds were

screened in-vitro for possible antibacterial activity against thirteen Gram positive and eleven Gram negative bacteria, using the agar-well diffusion method. The sensitivity testing (with inhibition zones in mm) of the compounds 3, 5–9 (at 1 mg/ml) and both streptomycin and tetracycline (reference clinical antibiotics at 1 mg/ml) showed that these compounds exhibited some measure of broad spectrum activity against the bacterial strains, with zones of inhibition ranging from 10 to 30 mm. The lowest concentrations that completely inhibited the growth of organism (MIC values) for compounds 3, 5–9 and the reference antibiotics are presented in Table 1. The synthesized compounds generally showed inhibition of bacterial growth at concentrations comparable with those of the reference antibiotics and in several cases some of the compounds were active at lower concentrations. For example, compound 7 showed an MIC value of 62.5 μg/ml for seventeen of the twenty four bacterial strains, 31.3 μg/ml for two and a value of 15.7 μg/ml for Escherichia coli.

hispida and M dioica were tested with MCF-7 and A549 cell lines

hispida and M. dioica were tested with MCF-7 and A549 cell lines. These

cell lines were cultured in Dulbecco’s modified eagle medium (GIBCO), supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS, GIBCO), 1% antibiotic antimycotic solution and incubated at 37 °C in a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2. The cells were seeded in a 96 well microtitre plates in a total volume of 200 μL. The monolayer of cells in the plate was exposed to various concentrations of the methanolic seed extracts ranging from 1.56 to 100 μg/mL. The cells were incubated for 24 h. The medium was removed and the cells were washed with phosphate buffered saline (pH 7.4). MTT assay 12 was performed to determine the cell viability which was measured by the reduction of MTT to a purple colored formazan product. 50 μl of 0.5% MTT ATM Kinase Inhibitor mw was added to the wells ABT263 and incubated for 4 h. The formazan crystals formed were dissolved in Dimethyl Sulfoxide (DMSO). Viable cells were determined by the absorbance read at 570 nm using a microplate reader (Bio-Rad, Richmond, CA). Wells containing cells without the methanolic seed extract served as blank. Doxorubicin was used as positive control. The concentration required for a 50% inhibition of cell viability

(IC50) was determined by using the formula – Absorbance control − sample/Absorbance control × 100. Cells were photographed after 48 h under inverted light microscope (Nikon, Slipse TS 100) at 40× magnification to examine the morphological changes of MCF-7 and A549 cell lines treated with the methanolic seed extracts of B. hispida and M. dioica. The experiments were carried out in triplicates and the data were expressed as mean ± SEM. The significance of difference among the various treated cells and control cells were analyzed by means of one-way ANOVA. Plant-based compounds have been playing an important role in the development of several clinically useful anticancer agents The predominant aims of analyzing anticancer activity of the two crude plant seed extracts are either to isolate bioactive agents for direct use as anticancer

drugs or to identify bioactive compounds that can be used as lead substance in the preparation of semi synthetic drugs to treat cancer. see more In the present investigation, plant seed extracts were prepared using methanol as a solvent. It is well documented that methanol is commonly used as a solvent for plant extract preparation for evaluating the anticancer activity in several plant species In this study, we demonstrate the anticancer potential of the methanolic seed extract of B. hispida and M. dioica in well-characterized A549 and MCF-7 cell lines. Among the different concentrations of the methanolic seed extract of B. hispida, 50% cell viability was determined at the concentration of 3.125 μg/mL in A549 and 1.56 μg/mL in MCF-7 cell lines ( Tables 1 and 2). The IC50 value for M. dioica was found to be 12.5 μg/mL for A549 and 3.125 μg/mL for MCF-7 cell lines ( Tables 1 and 2).

The linear displacement from the resting position to final positi

The linear displacement from the resting position to final position is measured using online callipers. Using the TP approach measurements of the movement of the bladder neck are relative to the pubic symphysis, whereas in the TA approach displacements are absolute values,

as there are no fixed bony landmarks in view. More KU57788 detailed information regarding pelvic organ prolapse can therefore be obtained in the TP approach (Dietz 2004). Reliability: Good intra-and inter-rater reliability has been shown for both methods during PFM contraction (ICC 0.81 to 0.93). TP (ICC 0.87) is more reliable than TA (ICC 0.51 to 0.86) during functional manoeuvres which may reflect the difficulty in maintaining firm probe

placement on the abdominal wall ( Dietz 2004, Thompson et al 2007). Validity: Movement of the bladder base/neck reflects PFM contraction confirmed by digital palpation ( Sherburn et al 2005) and correlates only moderately to PFM strength measured by manual muscle testing (r = 0.58) and vaginal pressure measurements (r = 0.43). This suggests each tool assesses different aspects of PFM action, viz occlusion versus lift. Sensitivity: find protocol TA ultrasound is more sensitive than digital palpation to assess the lifting action of the PFM ( Frawley et al, 2006). Incontinent women showed more bladder neck movement on TP ultrasound during Valsalva, head lift, and cough than continent women ( Thompson et al 2007, Lovegrove Jones et al 2009), and on TA ultrasound more bladder base movement during Valsalva ( Thompson et al 2007), however cut-off values have not been determined. 2D realtime ultrasound assessment of PFM function allows direct assessment of the Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase ‘lifting’ action of the PFM not previously available using digital palpation. The TP technique is more difficult to learn, is more personally invasive, and the perineal

placement of the probe limits some functional manoeuvres. The TA approach has several advantages for physiotherapists in a clinical setting as it is totally non-invasive and it may be used in populations where PFM digital palpation may not be appropriate, eg, children, adolescent women, women with vaginal pain, elderly women and men. It may also be a useful tool for screening musculoskeletal and sports clients for pelvic floor dysfunction. Ultrasound also allows visualisation of the PFMs during voluntary contraction and relaxation and reflex activity. Many people with pelvic floor dysfunction have difficulty relaxing the PFMs (Voorham-van der Zalm et al 2008) and ultrasound can be useful biofeedback to improve both relaxation and performance. For example, small bladder displacement visualised could be interpreted as weak PFMs. However, the converse may exist in that the PFMs are overactive, and therefore show minimal displacement.