Strains belonging to classical EHEC types O26:H11, O103:H2, O145:H28 and O157:H7 (n = 30) were predominant in Cluster 1 (23.3%) (Table 8). Only four strains (3.8%) of classical EHEC serotypes grouped into Cluster 2 (Table 9). These were one avian O26:H11 click here strain (negative for OI-122 and OI-71 genes), one human O103:H2 and two human O145:H28 strains (all negative for check details OI-122 and OI-71 genes except for nleH1-2). Table 8 Serotypes of atypical EPEC Cluster 1 strains Serotypea No. strains Originb % O2:[H40]
3 h (1), a(2) 2.3 O3:[H8] 3 h (3) 2.3 O15:[H2] 2 h (2) 1.6 O26:[H11] c 20 h (9), a (11) 15.5 O55:H7 17 h (17) 13.2 O70:H11 d 5 a (5) 3.9 O76:[H7] e 5 h (5) 3.9 O80:[H2]d 3 a (3) 2.3 O86:H11 2 h (2) 1.6 O100:[H25] 2 h (1)d, a (1) 1.6 O103:H2 d 2 a (2) 1.6 O103:H25 d 4 a (3), f (1) 3.1 O111:[H11] Proteasome inhibitor d 2 h (2) 1.6 O117:[H40] 3 h (3)
2.3 O118:[H8] 3 h (3) 2.3 O119:[H8] 2 h (1), a (1)d 1.6 O119:[H25] d 3 h (2), a (1) 2.3 O127:[H40] 7 h (7) 5.4 O128:[H2] 3 h (3) 2.3 O145:[H28] d 5 h (4), a (1) 3.9 O156:H8 2 h (1), a (1)d 1.6 O157:[H7] d 3 h (3) 2.3 O177:H11 d 2 a (2) 1.6 Ont:[H2]d 2 h (2) 1.6 Ont:[H21] 4 h (4) 3.1 Orough:[H40] 2 h (2) 1.6 singlef 18 see footnote to table 14.0 total 129 100.0 a) in bold: serotypes previously associated with Stx-production [3] b) Origin and numbers (in brackets) of strains h = human, a = animal, f = food c) Four O26:H11 strains from humans and seven from animals were positive for the EHEC-plasmid crotamiton associated ehxA gene. d) All strains were positive for ehxA. e) One strain was positive for ehxA. f) serotypes and strains represented each by one isolate only: O2:H8 (a), O3:H5 (f), O3:H40 (h), O15:H11 (a), O21:H25 (h), O22:[H7]
(h), O45:H7 (a), O71:H40 (h), O76:H41 (a),O84:[H2] (a), O109:H25d (a), O117:H25d (h), O121:H- (h), O121:H19 d (h), O127:H8 (h), O128:H8 (h), O153:H14 (a), and Orough:[H7] (h) Table 9 Serotypes of atypical EPEC Cluster 2 strains Serotypea No. strains Originb % O28:[H28]c 4 h (4) 3.8 O49:H10 3 h (1), a (2)c 2.8 O51:H49 3 h (3) 2.8 O55:H7 2 h (2) 1.9 O63:H6 2 h (2) 1.9 O69:H16 2 a (2) 1.9 O108:H9d 6 a (6) 5.7 O111:H19 3 h (3) 2.8 O113:H6 2 h (2) 1.9 O114:[H49] 5 h (5) 4.7 O115:[H38] 3 h (3) 2.8 O123:H45 2 h (2) 1.9 O125:H6 3 h (3) 2.8 O128:[H2] 10 h (9), a (1) 9.4 O145:[H28] d 2 h (2) 1.9 O145:[H34] 5 h (5) 4.7 O157:[H16] 4 h (3), f (1) 3.8 O157:H26 2 h (2) 1.9 Ont:[H2] 3 h (1), a (2) 2.8 Ont:H6 2 a (2) 1.9 singlee 38 see footnote to table 35,8 Total 106 100.0 a)in bold: serotypes previously associated with Stx-production [3].