Interestingly enough,

Interestingly enough, learn more the difference

in PBM between African– and European–Americans [65] could not be attributed to faster gain in bone mineral mass during puberty [66]. This racial difference emerges by early childhood [67], although it is not observed in infants 1–18 months of age [68]. The greater velocity of bone accrual in black than white Americans during childhood, but not during pubertal maturation, could well be related to racial difference in pubertal timing [66]. Such a relation would be compatible with the postulated concept linking pubertal timing and PBM acquisition by a common genetic programming [14]. In conclusion, in healthy girls, gain in BMI during childhood is associated with pubertal timing as prospectively assessed

by recording menarcheal age. This reliable sexual maturation milestone is inversely correlated with several bone traits measured at peak bone mass, including femoral neck aBMD, cortical thickness, and volumetric trabecular density of distal tibia. These data are in accordance and complement further the reported relationship between childhood BMI gain and hip fracture risk in later life [30]. They strongly suggest that BMI gain in children with body weight within the mTOR inhibitor normal range is influenced by pubertal timing as assessed by SIS3 in vitro menarcheal age which in turn, has been shown in several postmenopausal women studies to be inversely related to aBMD or BMC and to increased risk of fragility fractures

at several sites of the skeleton including at the hip level. Acknowledgments We thank Giulio Conicella and the team of the Division of Nuclear Medicine for DXA and HR-pQCT measurements; Fanny Merminod, certified dietician, for the assessment of food intakes and her assistance in managing the study; Samuel Zamora, MD, for his contribution to collect 5-Fluoracil datasheet the anthropometric data; Pierre Casez, MD, for the elaboration of the database; François Herrmann, MD, MPH, for help with statistical analysis. We are indebted to Professor Dominique Belli, MD, chairman of the Department of Pediatrics at the Geneva University Hospitals, for his support in this research project. The Swiss National Science Foundation supported this study (Grant 3247BO-109799). Conflicts of interest None. Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and source are credited. References 1. Bonjour JP, Theintz G, Law F, Slosman D, Rizzoli R (1994) Peak bone mass. Osteoporos Int 4(Suppl 1):7–13PubMedCrossRef 2. Rosenthal DI, Mayo-Smith W, Hayes CW, Khurana JS, Biller BM, Neer RM, Klibanski A (1989) Age and bone mass in premenopausal women. J Bone Miner Res 4:533–538PubMedCrossRef 3.

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