In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the carbon tetrachloride solu

In brine shrimp lethality bioassay, the carbon tetrachloride soluble materials demonstrated the highest toxicity with LC(50) of 0.83 mg mL(-1), while petroleum ether and dichloromethane soluble partitionates of the methanolic extract revealed LC(50) of 14.94 and 3.29 mu g mL(-1), respectively, in comparison with standard vincristine sulphate with LC(50) of 0.812 mu g mL(-1). This is the first report on compounds separation from D. regia, their antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity.”
“Purpose of review

This review examines new developments

in the prophylaxis and treatment of rejection episodes as there has been a marked improvement in patient and selleck products allograft survival in pediatric solid organ transplant recipients over the last 20 years. Improved surgical techniques to allow transplantation of smaller recipients

and a wider range of immunosuppressants available to transplant physicians have improved access and reduced the incidence and severity of acute rejection episodes and chronic allograft damage.

Recent findings

There is increasing knowledge of chronic allograft damage and the role of humorally-mediated rejection, leading to better understanding of the mechanisms involved this website and potential treatments. There is evidence in the literature of potential targets of B-cell survival factors by inhibiting novel pathways involved in B-cell and plasma cell activation.


There are currently trials underway investigating the use of eculizumab and bortezomib for treatment of antibody-mediated rejection as well as utilising these agents as part of desensitisation protocols. Minimal (or even monotherapy) maintenance immunosuppression regimens include monoclonal antibodies and fusion receptor proteins targeting different pathways (CD40-CD154, CD28-CD80/86, and LFA3-CD2 pathway). Phase III randomised controlled trials in adults are required before embarking on treatment of children.”
“Spectrophotometric methods are proposed

for the determination of drugs containing a phenol group [salbutamol sulphate (SLB), ritodrine hydrochloride (RTD), isoxsuprine hydrochloride (IXP)] and drugs containing an aromatic amine group [dapsone hydrochloride (DAP), sulfamethoxazole (SFM), and sulfadiazine (SFD)] in pharmaceutical dosage forms. The methods are based on coupling of N,N-diethyl-p-phenylenediamine sulphate with the drugs in the presence of KIO(4) to give a green colored product (lambda(max) at 670 nm) and a red colored product (lambda(max) at 550 nm), respectively. Linear relationships with good correlation coefficients (0.9986-0.9996) were found between absorbance and the corresponding concentration of drugs in the range 1-7, 2-22, 1-17, 1.5-12, 2-25, and 2-21 mu g mL(-1) for SLB, RTD, IXP, DAP, SFM and SFD, respectively.

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