However, only 30% of these fractures involve a single large fragment, and comminuted acetabular posterior check details wall fractures
pose a particular surgical challenge. The purpose of this study was to compare outcomes between patients who received fixation for comminuted posterior wall fracture using the Acetabular Tridimensional Memory Fixation System (ATMFS) and patients who underwent fixation with conventional screws and buttress plates (Plates group). Method: Between April 2003 and May 2007, 196 consecutive patients who sustained a comminuted posterior wall fracture of acetabulum were treated with ATMFS or conventional screws and buttress plates. Operative time, fluoroscopy time, blood loss, and any intra-operative complications were recorded. Cilengitide in vitro Plain AP and lateral radiographs were obtained at all visits (Matta’s criteria). Modified Merle d’ Aubigne-Postel score, and Mos SF-36 score were compared between groups. Results: Fifty patients were included in the analysis with 26 in the ATMFS group and 24 in the Plates group. The mean follow-up time was 57.5 months, ranging from 31 to 69 months. All patients had fully healed fractures at the final follow-up. There was no difference in clinical outcomes or radiological evaluations between
groups. Conclusion: Patients with comminuted posterior wall fractures of the acetabulum treated with the ATMFS or conventional screws and buttress plate techniques achieve a good surgical result. Both techniques are safe, reliable, and practical. Use of the ATMFS technique may reduce blood GSK2245840 mouse loss and improve rigid support to marginal bone impaction. The use ATMFS may need additional support when fractures involve the superior roof. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.”
“Lung cancer was the most commonly diagnosed cancer in 2008 worldwide. The level of fibulin-3 expression
was found to be decreased in many cancer types due to aberrant promoter methylation and is correlated with poor survival of patients. However, the role of fibulin-3 and which form of fibulin-3 is expressed in lung cancer cells remain unclear. Therefore, pathologic and functional studies were carried out to determine the role of fibulin-3 in suppressing lung cancer both in vivo and in vitro. In the present study, we found that the levels of fibulin-3 mRNA and protein were lower in cancer tissues than in normal tissues. Downregulation of fibulin-3 mRNA in tumor tissues was associated with an increase in fibulin-3 promoter methylation. Circulating fibulin-3 was significantly associated with tumor progression, survival rate of lung cancer patients, and the number of circulating tumor cells (CTCs). To examine the effects of exogenous expression of fibulin-3 in vitro, lung cancer A549 cells were transfected with the pEGFP-C1-fibulin-3 expression vector. Relative to the untreated cells, fibulin-3-expressing cells exhibited lower proliferation and mobility as determined by MTT and Transwell assays, respectively.