9%; P = 04) Patients with left hemispheric lesions had a signif

9%; P = .04). Patients with left hemispheric lesions had a significantly higher incidence of acid reflex than those with right lesions (116 +/- 105 vs 13 +/- 17; P = .04). There were no significant differences in total time of acid

reflux or mean pH value between patients with left and right hemispheric lesions. The lesion volume had no significant effect on any of 3 indices of GER. Conclusions: GER is associated with aspiration pneumonia and occurs more often in patients with stroke lesions in the left hemisphere.”
“The effectiveness of clinical measures to predict scoliotic progression is unclear. The objective of this study was to identify potential prognostic factors affecting scoliosis progression. Consecutive measurements (181) from 35 non-instrumented adolescent idiopathic scoliosis patients with at least two follow-up assessments were studied. Potential check details prognostic factors of gender, curve pattern, age, curve magnitude, apex location and lateral deviation and spinal growth were analyzed. Stable and progressed groups were compared (threshold: Cobb angle a parts per thousand yen5A degrees or 10A degrees) with sequential clinical data collected in 6-month intervals. Double curves progressed simultaneously or alternatively on curve regions. Age was not significantly different prior to and at maximal Cobb angle. Maximal Cobb angles were significantly correlated to initial Cobb angles (r = 0.81-0.98). Progressed PLX4032 solubility dmso males

had larger initial Cobb angles than progressed females. Apex locations were higher in progressed than stable groups, and at least a half vertebra level higher in females than males. Maximal apex lateral deviations correlated significantly GSK923295 with the initial ones (r = 0.73-0.97) and moderately with maximal Cobb angles (r = 0.33-0.85). In the progressed groups, males had larger apex lateral deviations than females. Spinal growth did not relate to curve progression (r = -0.64 to +0.59) and was

not significantly different between groups and genders. Scoliosis may dynamically progress between major and minor curves. Gender, curve magnitude, apex location and lateral deviation have stronger effects on scoliosis progression than age or spinal growth. Females with high apex locations may be expected to progress.”
“A key target for novel stroke therapy is the regulation of post-ischemic inflammatory mechanisms. Recent evidence emphasizes the role of T lymphocytes of differing subtypes in the evolution is ischemic brain damage. We have recently demonstrated the benefit of myelin antigen-specific immunodulatory agents known as recombinant T cell receptor ligands (RTLs) in a standard murine model of focal stroke. The aim of the current study was to extend this initial observation to RTL treatment in a therapeutically relevant timing after middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) and verify functional benefit to complement histological outcome measures.

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