9%) compared with Tau-positive group (54 3%), with


9%) compared with Tau-positive group (54.3%), with

statistical significance (p=0.0299). The results are demonstrated in Table 6. Table 6 Association between Tau expression and response to chemotherapy in Belnacasan datasheet patients with measurable target lesions according to RECIST scale (n=46) Response to chemotherapy according to RECIST Negative Tau expression (n=11) Positive Tau expression Selleck Ipatasertib (n=35) Mann – Whitney test U n % n % Z P OR (CR+PR) 10 90.9% 19 54.3% 2.17 0.0299 SD+PD 1 9.1% 16 45.7% CR 10 90.9% 18 51.4% 2.09 0.0362 PR – - 1 2.9% SD – - 9 25.7% PD 1 9.1% 7 20% Abbreviations: OR – objective response, CR – complete response, PR- partial

response, SD – stable disease, PD – progression disease. Discussion Currently, the most effective chemotherapy in ovarian cancer, recognized as a gold standard is platinum analogue combined with paclitaxel. About 70% of the patients respond to this regimen. The others potentially could benefit from different drugs. However, no predictive factors are known in ovarian cancer. As far as we are concerned, in our study Tau protein was assessed in the tissues of ovarian cancer for the first time by the use of immunohistochemistry (IHC). Majority of the patients was acknowledged as Tau-positive (74.3%), while BB-94 order 25.6% of

the patients was Tau-negative. The results differ from those achieved in other studies. Rouzier et al. recognized 52% of the breast cancer patients as Tau-negative [4]. Similar proportion (57% of Tau-negative) was demonstrated by Pusztai et al. [8] 30% of the patients with gastric cancer in Mimori et al. study was identified as Tau-negative [9]. Obtained findings indicate that Tau protein expression might differ among cancer sites. In our study, Tau-negative status in primary tumor of ovarian cancer was identified as a predictive factor for paclitaxel-containing chemotherapy. Both groups seem to be well balanced regarding to age, FIGO stage, histological type, performance status and grade (Table 7) so it does not seem that there were any biases Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase in this field although it necessary to remember that our study was conducted retrospectivly, so its value is limited. In univariate analysis median PFS was 12.8 months longer in Tau-negative group (p=0.0355). Among 46 patients with measurable target lesions, those qualified as Tau-negative achieved statistically significant more objective responses according to RECIST criteria in comparison to patients with Tau-positive ovarian cancers (90.9% and 54.3% respectively; p=0.0299).

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