5 In order to detect a ≥15% difference in pleurodesis failure at

5 In order to detect a ≥15% difference in pleurodesis failure at 3 months (10% thoracoscopy and poudrage vs 25% chest drain and selleck chemical Ixazomib talc slurry) with 90% power, a 5% significance level and 10% loss to follow-up, the study requires 325 patients. For the present analysis, numbers have been rounded up to include 330 patients (165 patients in each treatment arm). Statistical analysis plan The full statistical analysis plan is published elsewhere. The primary analysis for each outcome will be by intention to treat. All tests will be two-sided, and will

be considered statistically significant at the 5% level. For each analysis, the following summaries will be provided: The number of patients in each treatment group who are included in the analysis. The mean (SD) or median (IQR) in each treatment group for continuous outcomes, or the number (%) of patients experiencing an event for binary or time-to-event outcomes (time-to-event outcomes will also present the median time to event in each treatment arm if applicable). The treatment effect (difference in means for continuous outcomes, OR

for binary outcomes, HR for time-to-event outcomes, rate ratio for count outcomes) with its 95% CI and a p value. All analyses will adjust for minimisation variables (type of underlying malignant disease (mesothelioma, lung cancer, breast cancer, other) and WHO performance status (0–1 or 2–3)).6–9 The minimisation variables will be included as covariates in the regression model for each outcome. CONSORT

data will be presented, including: the number of patients screened for the study; the numbers randomised; the numbers receiving the interventions; the numbers lost to follow-up and excluded (with reasons) and the number of patients included in the primary analysis. Subgroup analyses will be performed for the primary outcome, and the following secondary outcomes: pleurodesis failure at 30 and 180 days; requirement for further pleural procedures; and percentage CXR opacification. Results from subgroup analyses will be viewed as hypothesis generating, and will not be used to make definitive statements about treatment efficacy in a specific subgroup of patients. The following subgroup analyses will be performed: Patients receiving anticancer therapy at baseline versus those not receiving; Brefeldin_A Previous radiotherapy to chest versus no previous radiotherapy to chest; WHO performance status 0–1 versus 2–3; Patients on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) at baseline versus those not on NSAIDS at baseline; Patients on steroids at baseline versus those not on steroids at baseline; Previous attempt at pleurodesis within the past month versus no attempt in the past month; Patients with primary malignancy of breast cancer versus mesothelioma versus lung cancer versus other. Changes to the protocol after trial commencement The trial details documented here are consistent with the TAPPS Trial protocol V.6 (date: 06/10/2014).

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