05) between the GAP and PR groups. Crosses (†) indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the CP and PR groups. (c): Percentage of samples
positive for F. alocis at probing pocket depths 4-6 mm and 7-9 mm. Statistical analysis was limited to one pocket per patient and depth group. Asterisks (*) indicate statistically Androgen Receptor Antagonist cell line significant differences (p < 0.05) between the GAP and PR groups. Crosses (†) indicate statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) between the CP and PR groups. The signal intensity of the FIAL-positive patient samples varied between the three groups, suggesting a Tubastatin A price higher number of Filifactor in GAP and CP pockets than in PR pockets tested positive for the organism. Nonetheless, as hybridizations were carried out on PCR-amplified bacterial DNA, no further analysis of signal intensities was performed. Detection frequencies of P. gingivalis,
P. intermedia, A. actinomycetemcomitans, T. denticola, T. forsythia, CX-6258 cell line and F. nucleatum in the three patient groups are displayed in Figure 2b. To investigate the prevalence of F. alocis in relation to the PPD, the donor sites were divided into four groups (I: 1-3 mm, II: 4-6 mm, III: 7-9 mm, IV: > 9 mm). As there is a certain degree of interdependency between pockets belonging to the same patient, statistical analysis was limited to one pocket per patient and probing depth group. Although a slightly higher percentage of group III pockets than group II pockets was positive for Filifactor in both the GAP and the CP patients, these differences were not statistically significant. Similarly, analysis revealed no statistically significant
differences in the prevalence of the organism in GAP patients compared to CP patients in both pockets of 4-6 mm and pockets of 7-9 mm. In contrast, the prevalence of F. alocis in pockets of 4-6 mm differed significantly between both PR and GAP patients (p < 0.001) and PR and CP patients (p < 0.001) (Figure 2c). Insufficient numbers or complete absence of pockets of 1-3 mm in GAP and CP patients, pockets of 7-9 mm in PR patients selleck and pockets deeper than 9 mm in CP and PR patients did not permit further statistical analysis. FISH F. alocis was reliably detected by both the species-specific probe FIAL and the eubacterial probe EUB 338. The negative control F. villosus was not targeted by FIAL but only by EUB 338, thus confirming specific hybridization conditions (Figure 3). In all of the periodontal ePTFE carriers from GAP patients as well as in the gingival biopsy gained during periodontal surgery, the bacterial biofilms could be visualized by FISH with EUB 338 and displayed characteristic features like densely-packed mushroom-like protuberances and signal-free channels [42]. F. alocis could be detected in 9 out of 11 carrier patients (in 17 out of 28 carriers) as well as in the examined gingival biopsy. Figure 3 Specificity of FISH experiments. Hybridization of fixed cells of F. alocis (a and c) and F.