Therefore, research efforts have focused on methods to identify i

Therefore, research efforts have focused on methods to identify incipient AD In MCI subjects. In this review, we present the rationale for the development of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) biomarkers of AD and we discuss the potential of CSF biomarkers for the diagnosis of MCI. Criteria and evaluation of biomarkers Criteria

for a useful biomarker Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical have been proposed by an International consensus group on molecular and biochemical markers of AD.7 According to these guidelines, a biomarker for AD should detect a manifestation of the fundamental neuropathology and be validated in neuropathologically confirmed cases. Its sensitivity for detecting AD should exceed 85% and Its specificity In differentiating between AD and other dementias should

be at least 75%. Ideally, a biomarker test should also be reliable, reproducible, noninvasive, simple to perform, and Inexpensive. One aspect of the test Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical of particular Interest to patients and clinicians Is Its ability to detect the disease at the earliest possible stage. To date, this has been the weakness of neuropsychological techniques in patients In the earliest clinical and even In the presymptomatic phase of AD. Theoretically, an Ideal diagnostic biomarker of Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical AD might be expected to show limited correlation with cognitive performance, as the test should be see more abnormal In patients who have few or no signs of cognitive deterioration. Conversely, an Ideal prognostic biomarker might be expected to show a significant correlation with cognitive performance (or future cognitive performance), Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical as the test should be excessively abnormal in patients who have a rapidly deteriorating course. Thus, It Is possible that different types of biomarkers will be useful In

different clinical Inhibitors,research,lifescience,medical situations. A number of steps are required before a biomarker becomes an asset to clinicians who treat patients with AD. First, the technical feasibility of the new marker has to be established, Including the availability of a validated assay with high precision and reliability of measurement and well-descrlbed reagents and standards. mafosfamide A large range of potential markers have successfully passed this first step. Second, the possible marker has to be evaluated In a relatively pure sample of diseased and comparison groups. This is akin to the phase 2 trial In therapeutics, but the goal here Is to make an initial assessment of Its maximum sensitivity and specificity Few potential markers have passed this step so far. Next, the new marker has to be studied In a more representative population-based sample, providing an assessment of its true diagnostic properties and hence demonstrating Its clinical usefulness.

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